I gazed with wonder today at my proof copy of my first ever book. This was me in print, not in a "church magazine" or "buy your way in anthology" but a whole book. I'm a bit chuffed. Lulu the company that printed the book did a good job but true to their word they printed exactly what I created. This is reason they insist on a proof copy and really it's a good idea. There were several errors, all of my own creation, which I have now put to bed. This means that my poetry book, called Pilgrimage is now available to buy. If you think you might like a copy it can be found at www.lulu.com/content/470819
As you might expect this is quite an exciting thing for me, it's a bit of dream come true, I'm published and I feel that now in some sense I have finally arrived as a poet. Go on buy a copy.
Peace Dave.
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