
Honeypot Result.

All too often in my life I am rushing from one thing to another. I realised with fear that today the day of my reading at the Honeypot day care centre that I was on nights and had volunteered to cover another night shift tonight. So I woke, went to the day care centre, read and went back to work. Almost just like that.
The thing is that the rushing quelled my butterflies and made me just get on with it. The result was a really good afternoon with people that appreciated being entertained and for the first time people listened to my poetry and clapped afterwards. The feeling of elation that this brings is hard to describe, suffice it to say that I am still smiling. This was a risk when I agreed to it and it was a risk that for me paid off. I have had a really good time and I will definitely be doing this again.
Don't let your poems go mouldy or dusty, find some one to hear them and share them out with the vigour that you wrote them with. You'll love it and so will they.

Peace Dave.

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