
Radical Rethink

Last night I tinkered again with my poem at work in my tea breaks and as time went by I became less and less happy with it. The more and more I tried to flesh out the skeleton that I laid down the more it seemed that I was playing some odd word puzzle and not creating a poem. The stanza lines seemed stifled and as I most feared cut to fit and not part of an overall whole. The work was getting very long and myself very frustrated. It was while I was aggressively scribbling and rubbing out that I decided to lengthen the first line and came to a new opening.
It's like magic, hey presto, I'm off like a racehorse mixing in previously written lines with all new creation and seeing much of it fall straight on to the page as if it was glad to be back. Within two minutes I had deposited five six line stanzas, rhyming on the end word of the third and sixth line.
I'm not pretending that the job's done, this creation still needs plenty of work and I may still include elements of the old skeleton. The bottom line is that I am much more happy with this creation than the skeleton idea. What can I read into this, what does this mean. Perhaps I'm just better off attempting to stimulate myself by writing anything and revising it. Perhaps if I persisted with the skeleton idea I could have done a good job after all. All in all I have learned that my opinions about my poetry count for really very little and that people have surprisingly varied expectations and opinions. Usually my bench mark is: am I happy with the poem, but as this one is expressly for some one else I am more concerned that I do a good job - the best I can. This work is still rough and needs polishing but at least I feel like polishing it, cant be all bad.

Peace Dave.

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