
Freezer Promise

In a way this post relates to yesterdays post in that I have picked up something really quite general in something really specific. If you've been reading my posts you'll know that my freezer was due to be taken off life support today. To catch up please connect with this link to the relevant post.
The bottom line is that when we purchased the freezer the cheerful salesman told us that it would be delivered on Friday. It may be in the morning but it was likely to be in the afternoon. He then winced and told us that it would be in the morning if it could be but not to assume that it would be. Patter. Salesman talk. How many times have you bought something, cars are a good example, where the salesman has smothered you talk that in the end proved to be no more real than a moon made of cheese. Having been about a bit I accept this as standard and think nothing much of it. What I heard in this conversation was that the freezer would arrive in the afternoon.
Imagine my surprise when opening my door to a fresh faced deliveryman this morning still wearing my night clothes and wiping the sleep from my eyes. Then it hit me, while I was apologising and clearing the way, how often are we like the salesman hedging our bets and never really intending to keep any of the promises we make. How often are we like deliverymen filing a quota and getting things done on time by the sweat of our brow and making sacrifices. Again how often are we like unprepared customers, not ready, having to apologise to people who have worked hard for us, embarrassed by our own actions. What an impact my new freezer has made and with a new year approaching are these really cool thoughts ?
The old freezer is still going, my wife seems to have brought it to life and living things are precious. So FrankenFreezer will live on in the garage.

Peace Dave.

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