
Poetry Group

Dark news. I spoke just yesterday to the librarian who was until recently leading our local poetry group. He has been moved/promoted to another town and can no longer meet his commitment to our little group. We meet once a month on the first Tuesday of the month in Trowbridge town library - all poetry lovers welcome. The remaining librarians will assist with tea, coffee and book lending but not actually running the group. This is bad news for me as I am the natural successor to Pete our librarian. Bad news because I really don't have the time to commit to this task. Bad news because I also cannot walk away from the group that has supported me so much and encouraged me so well then see it fail.
So on the afternoon of January second after a twelve hour night shift I shall chair the first meeting of the Trowbridge Library Poetry Group in 2007. My other concern, perhaps less obvious is the impact of leading on my poetry. I am very sensitive to this and worry about anything that may cause me to stop writing.
I will pray about this and ask for guidance. If guidance does not come I will then pray for strength and help. The bottom line is that I will do what I can while I can and look for a replacement to do what I do as well as Pete did. The show must go on.

Peace Dave.

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