
Christmas Poem

This is a poem from my book - which can be had on line from There is a link for that on the right just above my archive listings. It's a bit of a Christmas freebie - enjoy and obviously if you like it.....


He looked up slowly, scared,
Fear drawing his sinews tight.
Staring into soft angelic eyes,
That seemed to fill with light.
The camp fire danced orange nearby,
Cracking quietly two feet to his right.
While the stars that shone so brightly,
Seemed to retreat, into the night.

A sudden shocked inward breath,
A stumbling step toward the fire.
Toward warmth and security,
His friends and the glowing pyre.
But a new warmth overtook him,
Penetrating deep into his bones.
Born of sweet singing voices
And gently lulled loving tones.

A broad brightness filled him,
Lowering his hands raised in fear.
Stretching them out wide in welcome
To the warmth brought so near.
His rude form standing engulfed
In golden light precious and dear.
Darkening the grass behind in shadow,
Making a ghostly cross appear.

He glanced down resting disbelieving eyes,
Silence fell and darkness came.
Blinking up again swiftly looking about,
But the night was no longer the same.
Urgency filled his startled soul, then
Without so much as a backward look,
He scrambled running like a mad man
Leaving the hillside clutching lamb and crook.

Peace Dave

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