
Christingle Creation.

This evening saw the first practice of our Church Christingle play. If you missed the beginning of this thread click the title to go to an earlier post. Chaos, absolute chaos. I think personally that's great and I'll tell you why.
All too often we roll up at Church say a liturgy that was written by people far smarter than us and switch off to the actual stories within the words. It's like eddy currents in a river they all have a part to play in the overall flow. There are loads of stories in the bible that teach us about God and what God wants from us and how much God loves us. We seldom get the chance to explore any of this, we simply recite words that we have learned.
However tonight a group of eight people or so were animatedly discussing the Nativity story and arguing over aspects of the story that they had never thought about before. Having to act the story and somehow make it fit within the confines of our church forced them to consider the story in a new light. It was interesting to see the revelations of insight wash over people and hear them say "I had never though about it that way before".
Chaos is just a starting point and from almost scratch we had constructed a Nativity play that was suitable for young kids and families inside two hours. It contains humour and hymns, tells the story of the birth of Jesus and why that birth is such an important thing. A strong link has been made to Christingles and all this was done between church members that rarely even speak - Praise be to God. Our next practice is on Chrstmas Eve at 2pm, can't wait.

Peace Dave.

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