
Emontional Connection.

Having got as far as I have with the new poem I discussed it with my wife (yes all the good ones are married !) today. If you have missed out on this thread clicking the title will take you back a day and there are four days held on my page. Basically I want to write a poem for my priest who is leaving the parish at the end of the month. Unusually for me I have deviated from the usual way I write. Instead of building on a inspired idea and developing it I attempted to create on a theme building a frame work to guide me. Check my previous posts for more details. The bottom line is that the framework idea failed and inspiration walked in like a prodigal son looking for a fatted calf sandwich. This set up a few questions for me which bubbled up with my wife today.
One thing that became apparent was that I had no emotional link to my framework style poem. It's not something I have considered in depth before but as usual my wife has hit upon a core truth. As humans we build an emotional bond with all sorts of things, cars are a good example as are pets and music. The same emotional bonds that form families and links together friends allows such bonds to form. Unconsciously I bond with my poems and the ones that I don't bond with are never written. This may seem like an odd concept and it took me a bit of time to accept it.
We need to have emotional bonds it's a part of being human and as a poet communication of the emotions that we use to bond with is a part of what I do. People will not like a poem that they have no emotional bond with no matter how grammatically perfect it is or how thoughtfully constructed. For me that bond cannot be passed on in a poem if I have not first made it myself. This all make some sense to me but you may have other ideas. If you do I would like to hear them, let me know.

Peace Dave.

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